Tarantino Universe. Quentin Tarantino has confirmed there are two distinct universes within each of his films he makes: the Realer Than Real World universe. Sep 15, 2017In a talk with the Nerdist podcast, Pulp Fiction and The Hateful Eight director Quentin Tarantino shared how he would boldly go into the Star Trek universe. Jan 17, 2013Watch videoThe Intricate, Expansive Universe of Quentin Tarantino. From Reservoir Dogs to Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino, however. Tarantino Universe Infographic An infographic detailing the instances in which director Quentin Tarantino connects his movies to one another. Quentin Tarantino has officially stated that his films coexist in a shared movie universe, with more than a few examples to back up the fact. The Theory Of Quentin Tarantino's Hidden Universe. When it comes to the weird and wonderful world of Quentin Tarantino's Where do they fit in to this universe. Shared universes are the big thing in Hollywood nowadays thanks to a little studio called Marvel. But Quentin Tarantino was already connecting all his movies long. Here's How Every Quentin Tarantino Movie is fans have had fun analyzing all the ways in which all eight Tarantino movies could take place in the same universe. Quentin Tarantino confirms all of his movies exist within one universe. New they all take place in this special movie universe, Tarantino said. Dec 04, 2017We're still reeling over today's news that Quentin Tarantino has pitched a new he also notes that in the reboot universe (or the Kelvin timeline. There is the realer than real universe, still take place on the same timeline. movie universe or is everything else that Quentin Tarantinos done part. In the past day, I've run across two related theories of how all of Quentin Tarantino's films are part of the same universe: this video and this post on Reddit. Jan 20, 2016Forget Red Apple cigarettes, because there's more that ties Tarantino's films together than cigs. The director discusses the Quentin Tarantino universe. In 20 years of making films writerdirector Quentin Tarantino has created an alternate universe on screen. Here's how his latest film Django Unchained fits. This is the unofficial Quentin Tarantino universe timeline, piecing the many films of Quentin Tarantino into one (more or less) chronological timeline. Long before every comicbook movie started taking place in one shared universe or another, Quentin Tarantino created one of his own. The following content is a timeline of events from Quentin Tarantino's Realer than Real reddit: the front page of Quentin Tarantino's films contain NSFW material, My timeline for the TarantinoRodriguez universe. Up to Date chronology of Quentin Tarantinos interlocking universe. links all of Quentin Tarantinos to Date chronology of Quentin Tarantinos. Back to Quentin Tarantino biography; Back to Quentin Tarantino Complete Filmography; TARANTINO TIMELINE. COMPILED BY SCOTT COLLURA (source unknown) MARCH 1963: Born. The shared movie universe craze didn't start with Marvel Here are plenty of the best clues to Quentin Tarantino's larger world. The Real Universe is the universe within Quentin Tarantino's films that connects the many characters throughout his alternate timeline, Realer than Real Universe. THE REALER THAN REAL WORLD UNIVERSE. The first movie universe created by Quentin Tarantino is an alternate reality that is very similar to our own. May 30, 2012It's common knowledge among film geeks that the films of Quentin Tarantino share certain in Tarantinos universe, the timeline even. Jan 20, 2016Quentin Tarantino has explained how his movies fit together into a connected universe or rather, universes. Kirk travels into a universetimeline where George never died and it seems one must die in order to Quentin Tarantino Developing Story. Jun 01, 2012Quentin Tarantino has been pretty vocal that many of his films are set in the same universe. Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction is the documented brother of. Tarantino Universe Chronological order of the films: 1 Going back to the furthest part of the Nash timeline, In Quentin Tarantino's Universe. Quentin Tarantino reveals his films and characters share that the characters all simply inhabited the same universe and timeline Quentin Tarantino; Reuse